Medical & Health...
Below are our articles on the subject of Medical & Health. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Avoiding Malaria and Insect Born Diseases
Malaria is an insect born disease found in hot or tropical climates, there are measures to take to protect yourself such as insect repellent, mosquito nets and anti…...

Avoiding Snake Bites
Avoiding snake bites by avoiding snakes; a few simple precautions to help ensure that your trip misses out on any encounters of the reptile kind....

First Aid: What to Keep in Your Travel Kit
Wherever you go, accidents can happen. By simply carrying a first aid kit, and keeping a cool head, you can take care of most emergencies that might occur....

How to Avoid and Beat Jet lag
What causes jetlag and how to avoid it....

Is There Such a Thing as a Safe Tan?
Comparisons of tanning methods, both natural and artificial. Includes warnings about sun safety as well as recommendations for achieving a safe summer glow....

Keeping Healthy while Travelling
Nothing can ruin a well-planned holiday more than health problems like an upset stomach or a sunburn. Make health and well being a part of vacation planning, and…...

Quiz: Are You Prepared for a Medical Emergency?
No one likes to imagine having a medical emergency while they travel - answering these questions will help you determine if you are prepared for a medical emergency…...

Serious Accident or Injury Abroad
There is no way to guarantee an accident or injury-free trip, but you can take steps to prepare for an emergency while abroad....

Spiders and Scorpions
Although most kinds of spiders and scorpions are not deadly, a bite or sting can still be painful; how to help ensure you never have to find out for yourself!...

Tips for Safe and Healthy Holiday Travel
Planning what to pack for a holiday to ward off common traveling illnesses and discomforts. Tips and advice for healthy travel....

Travel Bugs
Travel Sickness, Food Poisoning, Traveller's Diarrhoea, Jet Lag, Altitude Sickness, Hepatitis A, Malaria, Typhoid Fever, Tapeworms, Chagas Disease, Amoebas, Heat…...

Travelling in Retirement: Health and Fitness
They're called the Golden Years, and it's an apt name. But to get the most from those trips, you need to keep yourself healthy. A few simple points can help....