Air, Train & Bus Travel...
Below are our articles on the subject of Air, Train & Bus Travel. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Air Travel During Pregnancy
Air travel during pregnancy is generally safe, however each woman should speak with a health professional about her specific situation before flying....

Air Travel: Inflight Safety and Security
A few simple ideas can make your flight a lot easier and healthier - there are possible remedies for Jetlag, travel sickness, swollen feet, DVT prevention. Personal…...

Airlines and Lost Luggage
Airlines lose the luggage of travellers every day. Here a few ideas to help you avoid going on holiday without your baggage....

Dealing With Air Rage
What you should do as a fellow passenger if you encounter air rage and why direct intervention should only ever be a last resort....

Dealing With Inquisitive Strangers
Dealing with inquisitive strangers is often a part of travelling. Here's how to react if find yourself fielding questions from strangers....

How to Avoid and Beat Jet lag
What causes jetlag and how to avoid it....

How To Get A Free Upgrade To Business Class
How there are no hard and fast rules in getting upgraded to business class on a flight but how a bit of research and some understanding into how airlines tend to…...

Overcoming Your Fear Of Air Travel
Prepare for air travel by overcoming flying phobias, choosing the right luggage and being aware of home and airport security while you're away...

Stay Safe on Eurostar
If you like travelling by rail, Eurostar is one of the most enjoyable and relaxing ways to get from London to some of Northern Europe's top destinations. There are a…...

Train Travel Safety
Train travel is a fast, often inexpensive form of transport, not only between cities, but between countries. Like anything else, though, you need to think a little to…...

Travelling Safely On Sex Segregation Buses
Sex segregation on buses is not something with which Western travellers are usually familiar. This article discusses how to identify sex segregation on buses and how…...