By Continent or Country...
Below are our articles on the subject of By Continent or Country. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Australia and New Zealand Travel Safety
Australia and New Zealand are very welcoming countries which appeal to a broad range of visitors and are two of the safest countries in the world to visit. Safety…...

Avoiding Cultural Clashes Whilst Travelling
By educating yourself before you go on holiday and treating people and customs with respect, you can avoid cultural clashes....

Backpacking or Holidaying in India and the Himalayas
As a developing and somewhat unstable part of the world, travel to India and other parts of Asia brings with it its own unique safety considerations. Prepare for…...

Be a Responsible Tourist
Responsible tourism is a growing part of the tourist industry, promoted by companies and tourist boards as a way to respect culture, identity and place....

Countries With Severe Anti Drug Laws
A large number of countries give long prison sentences, and even the death penalty, for possession of drugs....

Eastern Europe Travel Safety
You should not encounter major personal safety problems in Eastern Europe if you take the standard precautions one would take anywhere else in the world. Do pay…...

Emigrating to Australia
There are various ways of getting a Visa to live in Australia, the most common being a work based visa, however, for many, there is the opportunity to emigrate based…...

Getting Government Assistance Overseas
In trouble overseas? Chances are you are an email or phone call away from help and guidance in the form of government assistance which will guide you through trouble…...

Spain and Portugal Travel Safety
Both Spain and Portugal have plenty to offer visitors, with everything from beaches to mountains. Knowing a few things beforehand can help you stay safe and enjoy your…...

Staying Safe in Central and South East Asia
Asia is the world's largest continent and is home to over 60% of the world's population. Tips for staying safe in South East Asia....

Staying Safe in North America
North America can be an extremely welcoming and safe continent if the proper precautions are taken. Geographically, North America encompasses Mexico, the United States…...

Staying Safe in South America
Prepare yourself in advance for differences in language, laws, and customs when visiting South America: the currency, culture, food and drink are fairly diverse....

Staying Safe in the Caribbean
Clean, sandy beaches and warm, sunny days make vacationing in the Caribbean popular with tourists. Tips for staying safe in the Carribean....

Staying Safe in Third World Countries
In many respects travelling to the Third World is no different to visiting any other part of the globe. Whether it be Mogadishu, Majorca or Margate, forward planning…...

Tips for Travelling in Mexico and Central America
Travel tips for traveling in Mexico and Central America, including what to pack, how to bargain, and what to do if you are a woman traveling alone....

Where It's Dangerous to Be Seen as British
For the most part, Britons are welcomed around the world, but there are some places it's best not to travel if you're British....