Hot & Cold Climates...
Below are our articles on the subject of Hot & Cold Climates. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Avoiding Malaria and Insect Born Diseases
Malaria is an insect born disease found in hot or tropical climates, there are measures to take to protect yourself such as insect repellent, mosquito nets and anti…...

Backpacking or Holidaying in India and the Himalayas
As a developing and somewhat unstable part of the world, travel to India and other parts of Asia brings with it its own unique safety considerations. Prepare for…...

Cold Weather Travel
So you're going where it's cold. Not just a tad chilly or nippy, but nose-numbingly, achingly freezing. Some people thrive on that kind of weather, but even if you're…...

Hot Climate Safety and Health
A number of things can help you get the most from your travel to hot countries. The number one rule is to stay cool and hydrated. One of the first effects of…...

Questionnaire: How Safe Are You in the Sun?
Many people seek sun on their holidays, but not everyone remembers the basics of sun safety. Test your knowledge of sun safety....

Safety Beach Holidays
There are a number of things you can do to make sure you remember your visit to the beach with pleasure, including, selecting the right sun protection, respect for the…...

Snow Safety: What to Do If Stranded
Being stranded in snow is a dangerous situation. Whether you are driving, at home or exposed to the elements, even being well prepared may mean nothing if you do not…...

Staying Safe in North America
North America can be an extremely welcoming and safe continent if the proper precautions are taken. Geographically, North America encompasses Mexico, the United States…...

Staying Safe in South America
Prepare yourself in advance for differences in language, laws, and customs when visiting South America: the currency, culture, food and drink are fairly diverse....

Staying Safe in Third World Countries
In many respects travelling to the Third World is no different to visiting any other part of the globe. Whether it be Mogadishu, Majorca or Margate, forward planning…...

Sun Safety for Babies and Children
The reason children are so susceptible to the harmful effects of the sun is that their skin is literally thinner the younger they are. Advice on protecting children…...

Tips for Travelling in Mexico and Central America
Travel tips for traveling in Mexico and Central America, including what to pack, how to bargain, and what to do if you are a woman traveling alone....

Water Safety for Children
Toddlers and children are attracted to water and love to play in it. Unfortunately, they don't understand the dangers of drowning so you have to be their safety…...